Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions. If you cannot find an answer to your question, please use the contact details provided to get in touch with the project team.
How much electricity will AQUIND Interconnector be able to supply?
AQUIND Interconnector will have the capacity of 2,000 MW and transmit up to 16,000,000 MWh* of electricity each year between the two connected countries, which is 5% and 3% of the total consumption of Great Britain and France respectively, enough to keep the lights on in millions of households.
* The actual utilisation rate of the interconnector depends on market conditions, limitations by national transmission system operators and other factors.
Who will pay for AQUIND Interconnector? Will it cost the UK taxpayer?
AQUIND Limited is not associated with any UK or European utilities and the AQUIND Interconnector project is currently being developed without government subsidies, meaning it would deliver enhanced value for energy consumers in the UK without costing the taxpayer.
Why connect the UK and France?
France’s proximity to the UK makes it a logical linkage point for an interconnector. Existing interconnectors between England and France have proven successful.
How will AQUIND Interconnector affect electricity prices?
The Interconnector will promote greater competition within the energy market, helping to reduce energy prices for consumers and businesses.
What will be done to mitigate any environmental impacts?
Initial environmental survey work along the terrestrial cable route requires surveys for protected species including great crested newts, dormice and bats.
Noise and tree surveys have been undertaken around the proposed converter station location and surveys of the subsea cable route are ongoing.
As part of the final planning application process, AQUIND will undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and submit an Environmental Statement (ES) to support its planning application. The purpose of the EIA is to identify the potential for the environmental impacts of the project and take account of the necessary design amendments required to mitigate any significant environmental impacts.
In preparation for the EIA, a formal Scoping Report will be submitted to the relevant Local Planning Authorities to agree the scope of the assessment.
AQUIND will also inform the EIA with the offshore surveys being undertaken.
How will construction be managed?
AQUIND will work closely with the relevant Local Authorities in the UK to establish a Construction Management Plan which will help manage the impact of construction.
The Construction Management Plan will mitigate the impact of construction traffic on congestion, specifically during peak hours, and set out best practice in terms of acceptable operating hours to minimise any disruption to local residents.
Construction work affecting local roads will be staged with every effort taken to ensure that local road closures will be limited to one lane at any one time, as opposed to a total closure. It is also proposed that, during the construction process, only short sections of road will be affected in order to minimise congestion and disruption to local roads and infrastructure.
The Construction Management Plan will also manage the construction work associated with the new converter station at Lovedean to ensure any impact on neighbouring residents is minimised.
Regarding the offshore element, AQUIND will work closely with the local and national level stakeholders who have the potential be impacted by the installation activities in order to inform them of when activities would take place and help manage any impact.
How will AQUIND consult on the proposals?
Consultation is planned for early 2018. Further information is available on the News & Events page.
What impact will Brexit have on this project?
The UK Government’s policy on interconnectors has not changed since the EU referendum in June 2016.